School Development Plan 

The SDP is the school's strategic plan for improvement. It brings together the school's priorities, the main measures it will take to raise standards, the resources dedicated to these, and the key outcomes and targets it intends to achieve. It ensures that Thistly Meadow continues to be a high achieving school that aims for every child to have the best start on their educational journey and achieve their potential in life.

Each year our plan is reviewed and performance assessed; a self-evaluation against the plan is completed. This ensures that we remain on track and can adjust our plans, if required, to achieve our objectives.

Click on our latest SDP below to read more and our termly priorities:

SDP Summary 2023-24 TH

Self-Evaluation summary 

Achievement at Thistly Meadow Primary School

Progress across all the year groups is good and the pupils’ assessments and school work indicate that all groups of pupils are making good progress at Greenfield Primary School and that they achieve well.

The Quality of Teaching

Good and outstanding teaching results in good achievement for all school year groups.   Good teaching ensures effective learning and progress for all groups of pupils due to carefully designed teaching and accurate planning and intervention. Leaders have an accurate understanding of how pupil progress is linked to the quality of teaching.

Behaviour and Safety

Thistly Meadow Primary School reviews its Behaviour Policy annually as part of its commitment to excellence.  Strategies for managing behaviour are very effective.  The pupil questionnaires show that pupils feel safe and cared for and enjoy coming to school.  Expectations for behaviour are clear and consistent and pupils understand the importance of good attitudes and behaviour in the life of the school and in the wider community.  Staff have high expectations of standards of behaviour and work.  Pupils have a good awareness of all types of bullying, including cyber-bullying and prejudice-based bullying and any incidents are dealt with swiftly and followed up.


Attendance is a high priority in the school and to support the leadership team’s commitment to improving the attendance of every pupil, we employ an Attendance Improvement Officer to work with parents and carers to ensure a clear stepped response to secure good attendance and to respond to higher levels of absence. The leadership team sets challenging targets for improving attendance including the involvement of external support for pupils and their families. The curriculum is exciting, with varied activities to provide maximum impact on attendance through an engaging curriculum. All pupils are made aware of the link between attendance and achievement. Attendance continues to improve as a result of actions taken by the school and the school continues to achieve its targets for attendance to be above national levels. There is intervention to reduce absence and specifically targeted intervention to reduce persistent absence with the involvement of external agencies.

Leadership and Management

The leadership and management of the school, including governors, consistently communicate high expectations and ambitions. The school’s culture is characterised by high expectations and aspirations. Leaders ensure that teachers have a good understanding of targets and targets setting.  The curriculum is a strength of the school.  The curriculum is vibrant which impacts on pupils’ achievement and their behaviour.  The governors are actively involved in the life of the school and are committed to continually raising standards. The curriculum is annually reviewed to ensure that we continue to question how we can meet the needs, aptitudes and interests of all our pupils.


Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility because the needs of the child are paramount at Thistly Meadow Primary School. There are clear policies and procedures for all aspects of safeguarding which are reviewed regularly. There are good systems of communication within the school to share information about safeguarding issues. The curriculum provides pupils with appropriate knowledge about safeguarding and they know how they can share concerns.